Then Again, There Only Are Two...

But it is still very nice to be recognized.

Professor John Bolt, the dean of international Herman Bavinck studies, writes, at the end of a review of James Eglinton's Trinity and Organism:

Finally, I cannot fail to call attention to the fact that the two most important dissertations in terms of revising Bavinck scholarship in recent years did not come from within the Dutch Reformed, neocalvinist worlds of The Netherlands or North America or even South Africa, but from Scotland. I have already noted that Eglinton did his work at the University of Edinburgh; Brian Mattson did his at the University of Aberdeen. For a native-born Dutchman and neocalvinist like this reviewer, that is supremely gratifying. I'm also quite confident that Bavinck, fond as he was of the seventeenth-century, University of Edinburgh-trained Erskine brothers (Ralph and Ebenezer), who like him seceded from their respective national churches, would heartily approve.

Very kind words. I am quite confident that Herman would also be gratified by Prof. Bolt's own labors of love in helping him speak English. It only took a hundred years, but it was worth the wait!

Brian Mattson