My Bride
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My Main Guitar
A Taylor 818. The finest instrument I've ever played, and it happens to be mine.
My Band
Singing with the great Kerry Skiles
My Back Deck
Our house gets an additional 500 square feet in the summertime.
Yes, that's Wesley So, one of the world's greatest chess players. I ran into him at the airport.
My Microphone
I use Blue mics. They look great, and sound even better.
Labastide-Rouairoux, France
I've been privileged to be guest here twice.
But you could already tell by the main page...
Campfire in a Bottle
Sometimes you really need it, like after freezing hailstorms.
Some pals and I at the National Review Annual Gala in San Francisco.
The Stillwater River
No, I won't tell you exactly where.
Pictured here at Harvest Church, talking about the Apostles' Creed.