Elk Steaks and Election Stakes

This one's for my Montana friends.

My girls are out of town at the moment, so last night I decided to try my hand at cooking a nice meal. I succeeded in making elk meatballs, amazingly. I'd never made a meatball in my life. I followed that up by grilling a few elk steaks. And I invited a good friend over to share it with me. He brought a very nice bottle of Cabernet, and we enjoyed a splendid meal.

And we talked about politics. And he strongly vowed to me that he will not vote for Denny Rehberg for Senate. He does not personally like Rehberg at all. That is not necessarily a vote for Jon Tester. More likely he will just not vote for a Senate candidate.

And I told him: the stakes in this election totally transcend whether you personally like a candidate. Denny Rehberg may well be a jerk. He may well not be an intellectual. He may not be well-read. He may well be selfish and ambitious. But you know what Denny Rehberg is? A reliable vote for conservative causes. And let me tell you the one, single issue that makes your personal likes or dislikes about Denny Rehberg completely irrelevant.

The United States Senate will, with 100% certainty, be voting on the confirmation of judicial nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court. And the party that controls that chamber matters. A lot.

If you want a U.S. Supreme Court stacked with pro-abortion (not to mention anti-religious liberty, pro-same sex marriage) ideologues who will arrogantly deny not only the right to life for millions of unborn children for the next 40 years (as they have the last 40 years), but will also arrogantly deny the American people the right to deal with the abortion question legislatively (that is to say, actually have a societal debate) then by all means, don't vote for Denny Rehberg.

Another term for Jon Tester will make those dreams a reality. Because Jon Tester, too, is a reliable vote, bought and paid for by the progressive left.

I couldn't care less if you don't happen to like Denny Rehberg. I care about this country too much to let my personal feelings get in the way of doing the right thing. And I encourage you to do likewise.

Brian Mattson