On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Yesterday I began teaching a 17-week Sunday School class on Christianity and culture entitled, "On Earth as it is In Heaven."  You can find the mp3 files of this class under the "Teaching" tab of my website.

My plan is to initially work through H. Richard Niebuhr's famous taxonomy of Christian approaches to culture (Christ & Culture) and only then to present my own positive contribution to the question.  My approach is very firmly in the Bavinck/Kuyper mold of Neo-Calvinism (hence, Niebuhr's Christ Transforming Culture view).  This will necessitate some interaction with those recent Reformed voices championing a "Two Kingdoms" view of Christianity and culture.  Though the class is not primarily a polemic against a "Two Kingdoms" model, some critique will be a feature.

Most of all, Lord willing, this class will edify Christians and encourage them to take "every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" as they live out their faith in their respective callings.  

Brian Mattson