Who’s To Blame?

First, head on over to Amazon and order this book.  It’s scheduled for release next week.

Second, let me tell you a number of reasons why you should head on over to Amazon to order this book. I’ll start with the least important reason and move on to the most important.

1. David Bahnsen is my friend, and it would be gratifying for his book to be a success. 

2.  The book is engaging, well-written, and reasonably short. You’ll easily finish it.

3. The pure optics of a successful Wall Street wealth manager telling working class people on “Main Street” that they are a significant part of the problem is strangely a breath of fresh air. Because truth is always a breath of fresh air.  

4. The book is uncanny in its way of illuminating the key issues on a host of topics about which people simultaneously feel passionately and yet know far too little. The financial crisis, Wall Street, Free Trade, Immigration, crony capitalism, school choice, higher education, government corruption, and more. In short: you will know far more after reading this book.

5. David has the ability (the apple didn’t fall far from the tree) of distilling complex, messy issues to their core problems, and then to identify prudent, actionable solutions. In short: you will think better after reading this book.

6. The noise level of our cultural moment is deafening. Clenched fists, raw throats, pointed fingers, everybody screaming at everybody with accusations of blame for our problems. Left v. Right, Conservative v. Progressive, Republican v. Democrat, Elite v. Working Class, Urban v. Rural, Establishment v. The People; it is mind-numbing white noise. David’s is one voice you need to listen to because he will not just tell you what you want to hear. With unvarnished honesty, with no immunity for anybody, any “side,” any institution, he will likely expose some blind spots and tell you who is really to blame, and (uncomfortably enough) it will not be the bogeyman you think. In short: you will be more self-aware after reading this book.

6. David does not just orbit around in the intellectual upper atmosphere; he brings it down to where the rubber meets the road. His penultimate chapter is filled with practical advice on how you can overcome your addiction to blame, paving the way for you to flourish in your potential as an image-bearer of God. In short: you will become more successful after reading this book.

7. If everybody in our country read this book and took it to heart, we would wake up the next day in a very different place, politically and culturally. That will not happen, of course. But what if enough of us read this book and took it to heart? Who knows what a small groundswell of people committed to personal responsibility rather than the “blame game” might accomplish in, oh, say, a generation or so?

Brian Mattson