Keep An Eye on the DR.TV Page
Dead Reckoning.TV episodes are now rolling out, with the first two up this week and two more to follow next week.
You can find each episode on the Dead Reckoning.TV tab here. Bookmark it or, if you really want convenience, just subscribe to the feed on YouTube, Vimeo, or wherever else you watch video content. I'm not going to post the video on the Journal page, because I want to wean you off of expecting to find it here. Just click the tab, and you'll find the page!
Coming soon will be iTunes video podcasting. But I notice that Apple royally screwed up their podcasting system by migrating it away from the iTunes store. You now have to use their separate "Podcast" app, which just has to be the worst-rated app in history. 6,000 reviews and 1 1/2 stars. Pathetic! But if that's the way you roll to watch video podcasts, then we'll provide it!