The Return To Civilization
The girls and I have returned from our mountain habitat, and are now enjoying life in the realm of Wi-Fi and good cell coverage. We had a marvelous two months living in Absarokee. It was definitely a welcome change of pace. I became a much better fisherman, catching seven each of the last two days!
Up next?
1. Two lectures for the upcoming Big Sky Worldview Forum on Public Theology.
2. A massive November push on a certain book project. I've decided to coincide with Nanowrimo. No, I am not writing a novel. My sister (and possibly my mother) will be working on a writing a complete novel in the month of November, and I've decided to use the energy-boost of Nanowrimo to encourage my own progress, as well. If you're an aspiring writer who always wanted to write a novel, you should do Nanowrimo. Seriously. Check out the webpage!
3. Entering the last lap of my Sunday School class, The Apostles' Creed 2.0. By the way, I've just uploaded Week 6, if you've been missing it. Basically, I was unable to upload on Sunday because I had to leave right after church to drive 2 1/2 hours to play at a wedding. I just didn't get a chance to get it up.
I loved the mountains, but ubiquitous WiFi is definitely something I've missed! Hopefully, my return will mean lots more blogging!