Getting Things Off the Ground
My 3-year-old crawled into bed with me this morning, and, wanting to play, said: "You be a sea monster. I'll be a kitty." Wow. What a combination!
Just thought I'd share that with you.
Anyway, the page is looking fully functional now, so here's a brief tour. The "Journal" tab is simply the blog. "About Me" is self-explanatory. On the "Music" page you will find a really nifty widget that streams some of my music to you, as well as links where you can purchase my songs and download them. "Writings" doesn't have anything in it just yet, but I suspect that I'll eventually get some things in there.
Under "Teaching" you will find two options. First, under "Ancient Faith" you will find the audio links for download of a lengthy Sunday School class I am teaching on the Apostles' Creed. You'll notice the first week's lecture isn't there. That is due to "technical difficulties." But you won't be too far behind if you start on Lecture 2. You will also find a "Sermons" section which promises to always be a bit sparse, as I don't preach very often. I think you will enjoy the two sermons that are there, though.
There is a "Links" button on the left sidebar with some links you might find interesting.
And, finally, the "Journal" has an RSS feed, so just plug into your RSS reader and you can subscribe!